
Mel (a friend of mine) and little me (left) quite some time ago.

For general questions you can contact me at

If your request is related to my work with Debian or the Tor project please use my or address respectively.

Please use role-addresses over my personal address when appropriate. For instance write to the debian-admin role address and not just to me when it's a debian admin request.

PGP key

If your issue is sensitive you may want to encrypt your message to my PGP key. My current (2020) PGP key information is

pub   rsa4096/D50F9EBC09E69937 2020-08-31 [SC] [expires: 2026-09-09]
uid                            Peter Palfrader

There is also a secondary key, that is currently not encryption capable but might be a good future option if RSA falls over and ED25519 for some reason does not.

pub   ed25519/A25BE0999E893545 2020-08-31 [SC] [expires: 2026-09-09]
uid                            Peter Palfrader

You can find them here on this website in the /pgp directory.

If you have a trust path to my old key 25FC1614B8F87B52FF2F99B962AF4031C82E0039, see this statement on the new keys.